Monday, April 15, 2013

December 16, 2012 Gabriel

Matt 2  The angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel (Daniel 9) and pronounced the number of “weeks” until the savior would come.  About this same time, Daniel's friends experience a baptism in a furnace which seem to summon the presence of a man, or a god, or a god-man, none the less, a being that seemed to enjoy showing up to a party which included people being scorched for their allegiance to God. 

While this "god-man of fire" is rejoicing and dancing in the fiery furnace with these three young men who have willingly submitted to be baptized in such a way, the mighty angel Gabriel proclaims that he has actually seen a plan and a timetable for the fire baptizing god-man to bring down his reign upon the whole earth.  

490 years later, this same Gabriel, barely aged at all since his last visit shows up in a field outside Bethlehem to proclaim the birth of the god-man to shepherds.  Imagine the anticipation from the view of the angels, counting down the days, minutes and hours until the secret is revealed, and the joy of proclaiming as the glory unfolds.  Imagine the conversations that were taking place leading up to those events in heaven.  Imagine how badly Gabriel wanted to scream, "I told you so!!!!" when Jesus was finally a real baby, lying in a manger.

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